28 Oct 2015

Ethics and Behaviour in the Workplace: A comparison between the private and public sector

Ethics and behaviour of a workforce is a crucial element in determining the success and/or failure of any workplace. According to the hrhero, being ethical involves conducting yourself in accordance with accepted principles of right or wrong, and using integrity ­based decision ­making procedures to guide your decisions and actions. Behaviour on the other hand outlines how an employee should comport him/herself at the workplace. This might include dress code, grooming standard, respectfulness, etc.

Source: The UN
In most developing countries, there is a significant evidence of disparity between the private and the public sector when it comes to the focus on workplace ethics and behaviour. The private sector, dominated by the service industry, understandably lay more emphasis on the matter. In order to ensure customers and shareholders’ satisfaction, the sector understood that it must fully focus on enhancing certain principles and guidelines to safeguard its operation. Employees in the sector in turn must adhere to these principles and guidelines in order to ensure job security.

On the contrary, the public sector doesn't feel that they have any burden of satisfying neither a customer nor a shareholder, not knowing that the general public is their customers and the government their shareholder. Also ignorant of the fact that they are public servants, most public sector workers instead feel that, they are doing the general public a favour whenever they render them any service.

Consequently, the level of unethical behaviour in public sector  industry almost become sort of normality. One can therefore safely conclude that, this is the main reason why the sector is in a dare state and needs to adopt best practices from the private sector in order to ensure the ethical behaviour of its workforce. 

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