18 Aug 2015

Migration Crisis: Risking it all only to end up in inhumane conditions

Hardly a day goes by without the topic of migration not being on the news these days. The issue has become so complexed and dare I say, overwhelming for many European countries. Due to their geographical location, Italy and Greece had been the most affected of all countries but most of the migrants landing on these shores aim to end up in Western Europe with Germany and UK being the number one target for many. 

According to a UNHCR report, more than 207,000 people have crossed the Mediterranean in the year 2014 with 3,419 people been reported death at the same time. The UN reported that the number of international migrants worldwide reached 232 million in 2013, up from 175 million in 2000 and 154 million in 1990 [UN Population Facts; September, 2013].

Boat Carrying Migrants in the Mediterranean, Source: telesurtv
The UNHCR claimed that, factors that have contributed to the scale of international migration include globalization and growing disparities in living conditions, both within and between countries. Among the people on the move today, many are seeking employment and or educational opportunities, others want to reunite with family members and still more are fleeing persecution, conflict or blind violence in their countries.

Am not disputing the above claim in anyway but the fact of the matter is; migration has been in existence since the beginning of time and will continue to be as long as the human race continue to exist. Politicians can talk all they like about bringing a stop to it but people will continue to move from one place to another either in search of safety or better living conditions. It is true that, there has never been anything like the magnitude of the current migration situation, but the real cause of this trend that you would never hear from any western politician is simply due to the crisis in the Middle East and the instability of Libya.

The So-called Jungle Camp, Calais, Northern France. Source: Sputniknews
Obviously the situation in Calais (France) and Kos (Greece) is way out of order but surely it doesn't warrant politicians to brand human beings as 'swamps' or 'marauders'. There is no place like home and and am quite sure that, if these people had they wishes, they wouldn't leave their own countries for what ever reason. Moreover the whole migration situation seem to be blown out of proportion or exaggerated especially by the British tabloid who often term such desperate people as 'economic migrants'.

According to the guardian newspaper, 62% of those who reach Europe by boat this year are from Syria, Eritrea and Afghanistan - countries torn apart by war, dictatorial oppression and religious extremism. And among all the hype and hysteria, the amount of migrants constitutes a meagre amount of 0.027% of Europe's 740 million population. Compare that to a country like Lebanon which houses 1.2 million Syrian refugees within a total population of roughly 4.5 million.

The bottom line is; this is a man-made problem. Western super powers mainly US and her European allies are partially responsible for the instability in the Middle East and North Africa. Thereby rendering some countries totally ungovernable and opening a gateway for this deadly and inhumane episode.


  1. Thank you for the article. Well informed with numerary data.I would like to recommend the book from Fabrizio Gatti, Italian jornalist who followed the notorious transit route from Africa to Europe with all others concealing his european identity. He was Bilal. The name of the book is also Bilal.One of the most moving books I ever read.

  2. Thank you for your positive comment and for recommending the 'Bilal' book. I will look out for it! Keep reading the blog and always feel free to share your comments.
